The discovery of yoga was instrumental in Christian leaving a successful career in investment banking – he shall be forever grateful! As mentioned previously Christian has been practicing Iyengar yoga intensively for over 15 years and qualified as an Iyengar yoga teacher in 2009. He currently teaches 2 classes at London’s premier yoga centre, Triyoga in Camden and at Yogaloft in Queen’s Park.

Though many osteopaths see yoga in a negative light due to years of treating knees, backs and necks injured during yoga practice he would argue strongly that one shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bath water!  Through his osteopathic career, Christian has been looking for inconsistencies and anomalies in outlook between (Iyengar) yoga and osteopathy and has yet to find any meaningful ones- he sees these bodywork practices as entirely complimentary and symbiotic.  Almost a third of Christian’s patients are broken yoga teachers who seek him out from all over London and beyond.

Having learnt through his own mistakes on and off the yoga mat, Christian is able to rehabilitate yogis within a framework of a continuing yoga practice and to give insight and instruction on performing asanas safely AND deeply. He sees yoga and osteopathy as seamlessly interrelated. In addition, through many years practicing pranayama and meditation he sees these as rewarding adjuncts to a healthy, naturopathic lifestyle.



When a body moves, it has a strong preference to move where it is already mobile leaving areas of stiffness inert and unexplored. Through unconscious practice, left to their own devices in busy yoga classes, yogis striving to perform ever more intense asana whilst ‘competing’ with those around them can result in overload of vulnerable areas such as the neck, lumbar spine and knees. Through focused, well-directed, one-on-one osteopathic treatment yogis can be set on a better trajectory of body awareness and more fully reap the myriad benefits which accrue from regular yoga practice.

Christian teaches the 20 hour anatomy component on two 200 hr yoga teacher training modules .  Since 2019 he has also been lecturing and teaching  yoga anatomy and technique on 2 further advanced courses focusing on the spine in back arches and on the pelvis in forward bends respectively.




In summary, if you:

  • are suffering from injury on or off the yoga mat
  • want to deepen your understanding of how to perform asana.
  • want help taking up a meditation or pranayama practice.
  • want postural advice on how to sit comfortably for longer whether for meditation or otherwise.
  • or simply want to boost your concentration, energy levels and vitality whilst reducing stasis and anxiety through more profound, anatomically inspired one-on-one treatment.

please do get in touch.



Contact Christian